
Stepping Outside is a film project started by Lee Halpin, founding editor of the North East’s culture and arts magazine NovelLee set out to make a film about homelessness, which was an issue close to his heart. Lee was concerned that cuts to services, the bedroom tax and the removal of legal aid would severely increase the number of homeless people.

To highlight the plight of homeless people across the country Lee said he wanted to “immerse myself in that lifestyle as deeply as I can,” by documenting himself sleeping rough for a week, accessing the services that homeless people in the West End of Newcastle use and by interacting with other homeless people as much as possible.

Tragically, three days into the project Lee was found dead in a derelict hostel, aged just 26. Lee made the ultimate sacrifice as a journalist and a human being to raise awareness for a very pertinent issue. This was typical of Lee, who despite having an MA in creative writing and plethora of talents and attributes had considered re-training to be a nurse out of his desire to help others. Lee used his position as editor of Novel and his slot on Radio Tyneside to selflessly plug the myriad talent that his native region had to offer.

We are a small group of Lee’s closest friends, some of whom Lee was working on the film with. We intend to finish Lee’s film as true to the vision he had for it as possible. We would then like to use the film to highlight the very serious problems it will explore and hopefully to raise money to alleviate the problems associated with homelessness and try to prevent more people becoming homeless as a result of the current attack by a government of millionaires on the poorest in our society.

If you think this is a worthwhile project please stay in touch – we’ll let you know how the project is going and you’ll be the first to know how we’re doing.  You can do this here.

Please also consider donating to the project via paypal. If you do not have the means to do this, please do what you can to spread the message via Twitter, Facebook, email and of course, good old fashioned word-of-mouth.

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Thank you.

10 responses to “About”

  1. jez says :

    donation made!

    Lee was on the right path making sure that the voices of the shadows are heard,and i know for sure that this has raised a very important issue in the minds of others.

    i will help in anyway i can to make sure that this issue is tackled,as it is a VERY serious issue,and i hope that now people will listen and take notice of the dangers that our system creates for people.

    so this one goes out to lee,an inspirational human with his heart in the right place wanting to make the world right.

    peace brother.

  2. susan says :

    Hi there. I may have someone pretty interesting forbyoubto interveiw. One of the guys I work with used to be homeless and has an interesting story, as im sure lots of people who have lived on the street do. He has a learning disability, He ended up in prison for arson after lighting a small fire in an old wearhouse to keep warm. do you want me to ask if he would be up for being interveiwd? susan =]

  3. Alex says :

    Lee is an inspiration and will live on in our hearts.

  4. Justine fox says :

    Everyone who ever knew Lee knows he was a man who cared and loved deeply. I never knew what was biggest, his heart or his smile. He deeply touched the hearts of those he knew, simply because of the boy he was and man he became. He continues now to touch the hearts of many who didn’t have the fortune to meet him, through the work he was doing and the tragic circumstances. Great achievements aside, Lee was just an easy kid to love. I am the saddest but also the proudest big sister. Well done to you all, his close friends, for the hard work you’re doing in Lee’s honour. I wish you all the love and blessings with this project and for yourselves, you also have a great loss. X

  5. fabrice says :

    It seems lee discovered a major problem for people ending up on the pavement. Despite grand ideas such as “no second night out” in London people are freezing.by my own experience, you are very lucky to stumble upon a charity that will offer you a sleeping bag. Most do not bother about it.
    Someone I know asked th charity whom he is register with for a sleeping bag. To not avail. While snowing, he took shelter inside a phone booth.
    Why not simply a “no second night out without a sleeping bag”.
    That is more realistic and it will save lifes.

  6. Sue Wilson says :

    It was so sad to hear of Lee’s death while he was working on so important a project. I am chair of a homelessness charity, Emmaus Gateshead and if we can be of any assistance please contact me or have a look on our website Emmaus-northeast.org.uk. Emmaus builds communities where homeless people can live, work and enjoy the companionship of others who have been in the same situation. Emmaus social enterprises which provide the work take donated household goods, repair, test and sell them giving the residents back their self-confidence and developing useful skills. The average length of stay is nine months and most residents go on to independent living and other employment. There are currently 24 Emmaus communities in the UK and about 350 worldwide. Sadly for the North East the nearest Emmaus community is 100 miles away but Emmaus Gateshead has a project to build a 25-bed community in Gateshead which hopefully will be open by 2015. We currently have a charity shop in Low Fell called Follow Me and are raising money to start construction in early 2014. We are already receiving enquiries for accommodation. The need is great and rising all the time.

    Sue Wilson
    Emmaus Gareshead

  7. Pam says :

    lee was a happy, sociable young boy who made all around him smile. He grew into a wonderful young man with a heart as big as his mums, like Marilyn he loved life and loved people. My heart brakes for his family and indeed his many friends. I hope he is looking down and is so proud of the awareness that is being raised thanks to his work. I hope he rests in peace xxxxx

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